Thursday, September 17, 2009

How are things going?

So, I'm interested to hear from the students whether you've been able to keep up with working on your proposals?

Has anyone developed a habit of working on it a bit each day?


  1. Honestly speaking it has not been easy for me especially considering pressure from my dissertation proposal (met my dissertation commiittee yesterday)and departmental responsibilities...but I think I am close to the "edge"

  2. I have written 8 pages (including bibliography) of a project description. Much of this was taken from my dissertation proposal. Dr. Mikler and I decided to make another change to the grant proposal. We are going to propose that we model disease spread through a simulated school system. We will still look at centrality measures, but hopefully this will give us the "real life" aspect that we discussed.

  3. I just got back from a trip outside the country. I hope to pick up speed soon enough.
